. الأمراض الجلدية في الأطفال غالباً ما تتخذ أشكـالاً قد تختلف عن مثيلاتها في البالغين
إذ أن هناك استعداداً لزيادة الإصابة بالأمراض الجلدية خاصة الالتهابات الجلدية ـ أمراض الحساسية والتغيرات الفيزيائية والكيماوية في الأطفال. وسبب ذلك يعود إلى الفرق بين مكونات الجلد والتغيرات الفسيولوجية بالإضافة إلى أمور وعوامل أخرى
تشكل الأمراض الجلدية أكثر من نسبة30% من الأمراض التي تصادف الطبيب المعالج.

إن بعض الأمراض الجلدية تحدث في سن الطفولة أكثر من غيرها وقد يكون سبب ذلك عدم نضوج طبقات الجلد بعد وعدم الترابط المحكم بين سطح البشرة مع الأدمة. بالإضافة إلى عدم اكتمال نضوج غدد الجلد وتوابعه والشبكة .العصبية والدموية بالأطفال

إن هذه العوامل لها أثر كبير على ظهور وتنوع الأمراض الجلدية بالأطفال حيث أن كثيراً من هذه الأمراض الجلدية المتنوعة من كثرة تنوعها تعتبر من قبل الكثير مـن المختصين بالأمراض الجلدية بأنها مجرد طفح جلدي دون تحديد .نوعها بالضبط
.كما أن أمراض الأكزيما التي تصيب كثيراً الأطفال تخضع كذلك إلى التنوع في تصنيفها

تختلف الأمراض الجلدية عن بعض فروع الطب الأخرى، حيث أن أعراض المرض قد تساعد على تشخيصه وقد لا يكون هناك مرض بدون أعراض، أما الحال في الأمراض الجلدية فإنه قد يكون هناك مرض جلدي دون شكوى وقد .يشتكي المريض دون وجود ظواهر على سطح الجلد.

إن تعدد وتنوع الأمراض الجلدية قد يؤدي أحياناً إلى إرباك الطبيب المعالج وذلك فيما يتعلق بتشخيص ومعالجة بعض .هذه الأمراض إذ أن ذلك يتطلب معرفة جيدة بتكوين أنسجة الجلد سواء في حالة الصحة والمرض

أن طرق معالجة الأمراض الجلدية ليست كما يعتقد البعض بأنها مجرد الأدوية المضادة للحساسية ومراهم الكورتيزون إذ أن ذلك في الواقع فن يجيده ذوي الخبرة ومن وهب الدقة والأمانة والإخـلاص

إن كثيراً من المستحضرات قد تسبب أضراراً بالغة للأطفال، خاصة المراهم والكريمات التي تصرف دون إشراف طبي حيث أن بعضها قد يسبب التسمم وحتى الوفاة للأطفال أحيانا.ً

ومن هذه مركبات المطهرات الجلدية، وبعض أنواع بودرة الجلد ـ حامض البوريك ـ طاردة الحشرات وبعض مركبات الحساسية الموضعية

إن الفكرة من نشر مثل هذا الكتاب هو حاجة المكتبة العربية إلى المزيد من المعلومات التي تساعد على إعطاء فكرة عن كيفية التعامل مع الأمراض الجلدية التي تصيب الأطفال.

لقد احتوى الكتاب على شرح أكثر الأمراض الجلدية انشاراً في الأطفال كما أن بعض الأمراض الجلدية التي تبدأ في .سن الطفولة وتستمر حتى البلوغ قد تم الإشارة إليها باختصار

ليس المقصود مما ورد في هذا الكتاب أن يعطي كافة التفاصيل لتشخيص ومعالجة جميع الأمراض الجلدية إذا أن .مشورة أخصائي الأمراض الجلدية قد لا يستغنى عنها في كثير من الأحيان

إنني آمل من هذا الجهد المتواضع أن أعطي فكرة مبسطة عن كيفية تشخيص ومعالجة الأمراض الجلدية في الأطفال .بطريقة سليمة وآمنة خالية من أي ضرر أو مضاعفات

اضغط هنا لقراءة الكتاب الإلكتروني
مبادئ أمراض الأطفال الجلدية


مقدمة | المركز الطبي | المؤلف | استفسارات | أسئلة متكررة | اتصل بنا | الصفحة الرئيسية   


     زائري  الموقعملاحظات


Messenger Options


Dear Dr. Hijazy:

I am writing on behalf of ApotheCom Associates LLC, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing to request permission to reprint the following image from the electronic book Principles of Pediatric Dermatology located on the Dr. Mahmoud Hijazy Web site:

1)       Figure 44--Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis; located at http://www.drmhijazy.com/english/images/chapters_img/44b.jpg

If permission is granted, this image will be reprinted in a print monograph titled "Serious Skin Reactions: A CME Newsletter Series," which will be published in English by ApotheCom Associates LLC in 2005. About 25,000 copies of this monograph will be printed and distributed free of charge.

I am requesting nonexclusive print rights to use this image throughout the world, in the English language, in this and all subsequent editions of the work for the full term of copyright.  

If you require specific wording regarding permission, please provide it below. Otherwise, please sign below and fax permission to me at +1-215-550-8254 or send permission by e-mail to eric.ruppel@apothecom.com at your earliest convenience. Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,

Eric Ruppel

Associate Editor

Scientific Services

ApotheCom Associates LLC

800 Township Line Road, Suite 100

Yardley , PA 19067


tel/fax: +1-215-550-8254

e-mail: eric.ruppel@apothecom.com

Permission is granted to reprint the figure described above.


Name                                                      Date




الأستاذ الفاضل د حجازي
سرني موقعك وأردت فقط أن أحييك وأبثك حبي وتقديري
بالعمل المميز المشرف
وتشرفي بأن أتواصل معكم حقا
أخوكم د.إسلام المازني


* هنالك اناس لا تذكرهم ولو عاشوا بجوارك سنوات وسنوات ، وهنالك ناس لا تنساهم ولو عبروا حياتك أياما او ساعات او لحظات ..





I have the honor to ask for the authorization to you of use, modify and print an image or a document of your site: http://www.drmhijazy.com/english/chapters/chapter12.htm 

as well as the authorization of reproduction of whole or part of your site on a data-processing support.


This document is useful for the development of my thesis (doctorate of Pharmacist) having for subject: "leishmania infantum in the French Mediterranean basin"

 Within the framework of the intellectual property, the authorizations of the documents protected by copyright © will be expressly mentioned at the time of the use ; as well as the source of source (name of the site, titrates book...)

In waiting of your authorization, please accept, Madam, Sir, the expression of my sincere greetings.


4 parc des châtaigniers – BP 24

30120 LE VIGAN



J’ai l’honneur de vous demander l’autorisation d’utiliser, de modifier et d’imprimer une image ou un document de votre site :http://www.drmhijazy.com/english/chapters/chapter12.htm ;  ainsi que l’autorisation de reproduction de tout ou partie de votre site sur un support informatique.

 Ce document est très utile pour l’élaboration de ma thèse (doctorat de Pharmacien) ayant pour sujet : « leishmania infantum dans le bassin méditerranéen Français. ».

 Dans le cadre de la propriété intellectuelle, les autorisations des documents protégés par copyright © seront expressément mentionnées lors de l’utilisation, ainsi que la source de provenance (nom du site, titre du livre…)

Dans l’attente de votre autorisation, veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sincères salutations


4 parc des châtaigniers – BP 24

30120 LE VIGAN



compliments for your website! I'm Mauro Paradisi, President of Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology.

----- Original Message -----

From: Mauro Paradisi

To: drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net

Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 6:51 PM

Subject: greetings



compliments for your website! I'm Mauro Paradisi, President of Italian Society of Pediatric Dermatology.


Dear Mahmoud:
Thank you very much for your contribution to the DermAtlas at http://www.DermAtlas.org .
Your 31 image(s) can be found at http://dermatlas.med.jhmi.edu/derm/result.cfm?Author=919407881

© DermAtlas, Johns Hopkins University; 2000-2005
Bernard A. Cohen, MD, Christoph U. Lehmann, M






About us

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  http://www.hon.ch/cgi-bin/update.pl Last modified: Aug 12 2004  






From: RNAhybrid@aol.com

To: drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:04 PM

Subject: Greetings from New York City Dermatologist

Dear Dr. Hijazy

I was very gratified to find your website, including your pediatric dermatology textbook while I was searching the internet to find a dermatology text in Arabic. I am an associate professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and I am currently studying Arabic. I am friends with Dr Souheil Hadi who is in our department and he is helping me with my Arabic. I recently lectured at the Ibn Sinai Hospital in Rabat Morocco. I thought that if I could find a dermatology text in Arabic it would help me with my Arabic. One of our fellows from Oman told me that the Braun Falco text has been translated into Arabic so I will continue try to find it on the net. In any case I enjoyed your website and just wanted to send you a greeting.

Very Truly Yours,

Donald Rudikoff, M.D. ----- Original Message -----


From: RNAhybrid@aol.com

To: drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:04 PM

Subject: Greetings from New York City Dermatologist

I am contacting you about cross linking. I am interested in drmhijazy.com because it looks like it's relevant to a site for which I am seeking links.
This attactive site provides easy searching and comparing of new and used college textbooks. This site is a great resource to be linked with.
I'll keep the web address confidential and will send it to you only if you give me permission to do so. Just let me know if it's OK, and I'll send you the web address for your review. If you approve of the site, then the intention is to exchange links.
Looking forward to your reply.
Bert Cruz - Sr. Link Builder
Experts in Quality Link Building
P.S. If for any reason you don't want me to contact you again, email me with the words "NO EMAIL" as the subject of your message.
Link Builder
Apartado Postal #18
Tijuana, B.C. 22432


Dear Dr. mahmoud
I am so glad to come thru your site which is a great milestone in the
world of medicine, I see in it a very weldone job and I appreciate the
hard work delivered to all dermatologist in the world from a well
known devoted teacher of dermatology in the middle east. Thank you
again wa adamokom allah.
                                 Dr Zaid Sukkar
                                 Head of Dermatology & Venereology
                                 New Mowasat Hospital    Kuwait
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr Zaid sukkar" <zsukkar@gmail.com>
To: <drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:32 PM
Subject: Congratulations!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dr Zaid sukkar" <zsukkar@gmail.com>
To: <drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net>
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2005 11:32 PM
Subject: Congratulations!

Dear Mahmoud:
Thank you very much for your contribution to the DermAtlas at http://www.DermAtlas.org .
Your 16 image(s) can be found at http://dermatlas.med.jhmi.edu/derm/result.cfm?Author=919407881.
Please note, that we have started to publish the pictures of our contributors. If you would like to see your face next to your name in the contributor list, please email us your digital photo. This is an automated message. So, if you already sent us your picture, please ignore this request.
We are looking forward to your future contributions. Thank you for taking time to submit to the Dermatalas.
Best regards,
Chris Lehmann, MD and Bernard Cohen, MD


مع تحيات مجلة دليل الإنترنت 

الدكتور محمود حجازي      
 تحية طيبة

إن موقعكم لا يعد أول موقع عربي متخصص في الأمراض الجلدية

فحسب وإنما من أفضل المواقع العربية

 المتخصصة والمفيدة على الإطلاق لذلك فقد تم نشر موقعكم وقد ارسلنا قبل شهرين تقريبا إليك صورة من المقال
الذي ذكر فيه الموقع وقد أرسلنا اليوم لك شهادة إلكترونية تثبت نشر موقعكم في مجلة دليل الإنترنت
نتمنى لك التوفيق ونشكرك بالنيابة عن كافة المستخدمين العرب على الجهد
الذي بذلته في توفير هذا المواقع المفيد
                                           لك خالص التحية والتقدير
                                 أوس الغنيم
                    رئيس تحرير مجلة دليل الإنترنت


From: RNAhybrid@aol.com

To: drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:04 PM

Subject: Greetings from New York City Dermatologist----- Original Message -----

From: RNAhybrid@aol.com

To: drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net

Sent: Saturday, December 11, 2004 11:04 PM

Subject: Greetings from New York City Dermatologist

Dear Dr. Hijazy

I was very gratified to find your website, including your pediatric dermatology textbook while I was searching the internet to find a dermatology text in Arabic. I am an associate professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and I am currently studying Arabic. I am friends with Dr Souheil Hadi who is in our department and he is helping me with my Arabic. I recently lectured at the Ibn Sinai Hospital in Rabat Morocco. I thought that if I could find a dermatology text in Arabic it would help me with my Arabic. One of our fellows from Oman told me that the Braun Falco text has been translated into Arabic so I will continue try to find it on the net. In any case I enjoyed your website and just wanted to send you a greeting.

Very Truly Yours,

Donald Rudikoff, M.D.


Dear Dr. M. Hijazy                                                                                                                                                                                                               

          Your website is not only the first specialized in the field of dermatology , but it is the best of all websites.

              We hope you the best for the hardwork to establish such  comprehensive and distinguished site.

Best regards

Aous El Gonaim

Chief director of the internet guide
----- Original Message -----                     
From: <
To: <
Sent: Sunday, February 29, 2004 3:23 AM
Subject: InternetGuide.Website form submit
WEBADRS :www.drmhijazy.com
اول موقع بالانترنت باللغه العربيه


Dear Dr. Hijazy

Now I am so happy. I found the Arabic version of your pediatric textbook. Thank you so much.

Donald Rudikoff MD
This attactive site provides easy searching and comparing of new and used
college textbooks. This site is a great resource to be linked with.
I'll keep the web address confidential and will send it to you only if you
give me permission to do so. Just let me know if it's OK, and I'll send you
the web address for your review. If you approve of the site, then the
intention is to exchange links.
Looking forward to your reply.
Bert Cruz - Sr. Link Builder
Experts in Quality Link Building


I am contacting you about cross linking. I am interested in drmhijazy.com
because it looks like it's relevant to a site for which I am seeking links.
This attactive site provides easy searching and comparing of new and used
college textbooks. This site is a great resource to be linked with.
I'll keep the web address confidential and will send it to you only if you
give me permission to do so. Just let me know if it's OK, and I'll send you
the web address for your review. If you approve of the site, then the
intention is to exchange links.
Looking forward to your reply.
Bert Cruz - Sr. Link Builder
Experts in Quality Link Building

Dear Dr. Hijazy

I was very gratified to find your website, including your pediatric dermatology textbook while I was searching the internet to find a dermatology text in Arabic. I am an associate professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and I am currently studying Arabic. I am friends with Dr Souheil Hadi who is in our department and he is helping me with my Arabic. I recently lectured at the Ibn Sinai Hospital in Rabat Morocco. I thought that if I could find a dermatology text in Arabic it would help me with my Arabic. One of our fellows from Oman told me that the Braun Falco text has been translated into Arabic so I will continue try to find it on the net. In any case I enjoyed your website and just wanted to send you a greeting.

Very Truly Yours,

Donald Rudikoff, M.D.


I am writing a book on potty training, and would like to reference your e-book entitled Principles of Pediatric Dermatology.  Is there a publication date? Do you happen to know the proper way to reference an e-book? What I have is:

Hijazy, Mahmoud. Principles of Pediatric Dermatology. www.drmhijazy.com/english/ebook.htm. Accessed January, 2005.

Dr. Linda Sonna






Dear Mahmoud Hijazy:

On behalf of International WHO’S WHO of Professionals, I am pleased to

inform you that you have been nominated as a candidate for inclusion in the

2004-2005 edition.  We congratulate you.  Nomination to WHO’S WHO is an

honor in itself.  WHO’S WHO has over 20,000 members in 154 countries.  It is

the most elite professional network in the world.  The members assist each

other daily with business and career opportunities.  It is in times like

these that such a network is most valuable and we are seeing members help

other members expand their businesses, find new positions, even relocate to

another country.

If selected into WHO’S WHO, you will also be listed in the 2004-2005 edition

of International WHO’S WHO of Professionals.  This is the definitive work on

the world’s leaders in commerce, economics, policy, and trade.

We do require additional information to complete the selection process and

ask that you provide your biographical data by accessing the form on our

website at:

Our editorial deadline is quickly approaching.  I urge you to act today.  If

you delay, I cannot guarantee the committee will have ample time to review

your submission.


Wayne Uehara

Publications Director

Members of our Board of Advisors include: Wallid Abdo, CEO,

Eurobrokers-Greece; Michael Gondive, CEO, Eastern and Southern African Trade

and Development Bank-Kenya; Fehmi Sami, Senior VP, Citibank, N.A.-Great

Britain; Yusuf Alami, COO, Abdu Dhabi Investment Company-UAE; Mikhail

Zaitsev, Finance Director, Volvo Car-Russia; DR. Jung Kook Paeng, CIO,

Hyundai Motor Company, Korea; John Sai Chi Mak, Managing Director, Bulova

Watch International, Ltd.-Hong Kong; and Aldo Castelli, President, Shell

Brasil, Ltda.-Brazil

----- Original Message -----

From: "Who'w Who Historical Society" <headquarters@internationalwhoswho.com>

To: <drhijazy@dermatologyinfo.net>

Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 2004 12:13 AM

Subject: Your Who's Who Nomination